December 31, 2013

Lego Cake


I really wish I had taken a better photo. The finished cake looked much better in person. You get the idea. 
Shopping List
  • Sheet or half-sheet cake*
  • White icing*
  • Large marshmallows cut in half
  • Spray on food coloring in primary colors (Wilton Color Mist)
  • Candy Lego bricks
  • Unscented white tea lights
  • Parchment or wax paper
  • Freezer paper
Prepare area with freezer paper under and behind to protect from over-spray. Ice entire cake with white icing. Arrange large marshmallows cut-side down to make blocks. Save one or two blocks for birthday candles. Spray food color spray to paint blocks. Use cut sections of parchment held at an angle to shield blocks as you paint. Watch for over-spray.  I used freezer paper under and behind cake to make cleanup easier. Don't forget the edges. I used white tea lights as white Legos. If you can find unscented colored tea lights then paint block to match before adding candles and leave them in the tin liner.
* Really easy Lego cake tip...order the cake with white icing from bakery.  Shhhhh I won't tell. :D

August 12, 2013